Rawbiotics Defence - Rawbiotics Defence
Rawbiotics Defence


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Rawbiotics Defence


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Boost your immune system and support gut health with Rawbiotic Defence. This potent blend of 12 probiotic strains, ginger, elderberry, turmeric, and cinnamon extracts is 100% natural and GMO-free. Perfect for adults seeking a natural way to enhance their digestive and immune health.

  • Probiotics support the body’s natural defenses, starting in the digestive tract by naturally restoring the balance of “good” beneficial bacteria in the gut.
  • 70% of our immune system lives in our digestive tract, so a healthy and balanced digestive system plays a very important role in strengthening overall health and well-being.
  • Rawbiotics are live, non-freeze-dried probiotics that balance & optimise the function of the gastro-intestinal tract.
  • Unlike regular pure-culture probiotics, Rawbiotics are in a live liquid form and so don’t need to be freeze-dried to survive.
  • The formula contains 12 strains & multiple classes of live beneficial bacteria fermented for 21 days at exact body temperature.
  • There is no more natural and effective form of probiotic than Rawbiotics.
  • Fermentation has been the manner in which people have gotten their probiotics for thousands of years but, unfortunately, this practice has fallen away.
  • Regular freeze-dried probiotics assist to some degree in replenishing gut microbes but in a very limited scope.
  • Rawbiotics, on the other hand, contain a vast range of natural probiotic bacteria along with the vital by-products of the fermentation process, such as the enzymes necessary for good digestion and uptake of nutrition by the body.

Experience the difference with Rawbiotics Defence and take the first step towards a healthier digestive system today.



Dosage and Directions

30ml per day (compromised digestive systems: start with 10ml per day and build up to recommended dosage).

Children: Use Rawbiotics KIDS. Can be taken at any time, with or without food.

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    Additional information

    Weight 1.02 g
    Dimensions 8 × 8 × 22 cm


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